Minggu, 15 April 2012


Invitation is a way to ask someone to go to an event or aplace or to do something.
a. Characteristic of Invitation
* use future tense
*usually in card invitation
- purpose
- time
- place
b. Types of Invitation
·        Invitation Formal
Formal invitation is the official invitation usually written reply came from such institutions and companies etc.
Formal: Meeting,anniversary,wedding,graduation invitations

·        Invitation Informal
Informal invitation is not official invitation written/oranl and this invitation is usually given to friends,family and others
Informal: Birthdat party,reunion,garden party,hallowen party.

Expression of solicitation generally expressed as:
- Let's + be + Adj
ex: Let's be diligent!
     Let's be clever!
-Let's + Vbase + noun
ex: Let's climb the tree!
      Let's play piano!
c. How to Invite Someone
·        I would like to...?
·        We would be pleased if you could...
·        Would you like to...?
·        Shall we...?
·        How about...?
d. How to Accept,Refuse/Decline An Invitation
- Accept
* Thank you. Yes, I would like to....
* yes, I would. Thanks
* That would be very nice. Thank you.
* all right!
* Ok!
- refuse/decline
* I would love to, but...
* That's nice/great. unfortunately/however...
* That's very kind of you, but...
* Sorry, that wouldn't be possible. Thank's anyway.


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